Health and Social Care Professionals
A Carer Friendly Community means that people are aware of the reality of being an unpaid carer and the issues carers face. Health and Social Care professionals, organisations and practices can play a key role in being supportive and carer friendly with staff who are carers, as well as patients and clients who are caring for someone. There are tangible things that health and social care organisations can introduce, such as implementing carer-friendly policies and practices and identifying carers at an early stage to implement pathways and referrals for further support and advice.
Carer Awareness Training
Organisations can attend our free Carer Awareness Training for professionals and businesses in East Sussex, or alternatively we can arrange a training session for your health or social care organisation. Find out more here.
If you work in a hospital, find out about our free e-learning for all hospital staff here
Carer friendly checklist
Our checklist will help you review what you currently do as an organisation and consider how you could make some positive changes to become more carer friendly.
Communicating with carers in pharmacies and hospital wards
Find out more about how we communicate with carers in hospital wards and pharmacies.
“We have 11,500 patients and we aim to identify patients in their caring roles as early as possible. Sometimes carers only identify when they are in a crisis situation, we feel strongly as a practice that we need to explore all ways possible in screening for carers, so that they have access to the support available to them as early as possible. We signpost our patients to Care for the Carers who are a dedicated charity with an excellent team in East Sussex that provide support to unpaid carers, we are promoting this service at every opportunity.”