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Get a Carers Card

You can apply for a free Carers Card if you live in or care for someone who lives in East Sussex.

If you live outside of East Sussex, find your local carers’ service here.

The free East Sussex Carers Card does three things:

  • Identifies you as a carer, and that someone depends on you in an emergency
  • The option to connect to a back-up respite plan
  • A discount card, giving carers savings at businesses across East Sussex.

“Someone depends on me”

Many carers worry about what would happen to the person they care for if they were to have an accident themselves, or were suddenly taken ill. The East Sussex Carers Card is designed to be kept with you, so that in an emergency anyone helping you is made aware that someone depends on you, should you ever be unable to communicate this yourself.

Emergency support for the person you care for

The Carers Card enables you to set up a CRESS (Carers Respite Emergency Support Service) plan with East Sussex County Council. This includes contact details for up to three people who could provide short-term support for the person you care for in an emergency

You will have the Carers Card to carry with you, so that in an emergency, you or someone else can call the number on the card. When this happens, East Sussex County Council will contact the people you have named in your emergency plan.

East Sussex Carers Card

If none of your contacts are available, or if there are no other people you can identify to act as an emergency contact, Adult Social Care will provide support to look after the person you care for. This card is available to unpaid carers of adults.

Care for the Carers can help you to set up a CRESS plan, or it can be set up with the Council directly as part of your Carer’s Assessment.

The Carers Card with CRESS also gives you access to the discounts detailed below – you don’t need a separate card. To find out more and to apply for a combined CRESS plan and Carers Card, please contact us here.

Discounts for carers

If you do not wish to put an emergency plan in place but would still like to benefit from discounts for carers, you can apply for the Carers Card.  This card is also available to parent carers of children with special needs and disabilities.

East Sussex Carers card

Offers and discounts available

Get hospital parking for no more than £2 at Eastbourne District General Hospital and Conquest Hospital, Hastings.

You can gain discounts at a variety of retail and leisure venues in East Sussex and we are adding new businesses all the time.

Please note that cards will be sent within two weeks of applying.

Businesses taking part in the scheme may display a Carers Card sticker in their window.

Some carers may have an older version of the Carers Card which is called the ‘Carers emergency alert card’. Please do continue to use this unless you receive a letter advising you otherwise.

Are you a business?

If you are a business and you would like to sign up to the East Sussex Carers Card for free, offer discounts to carers or offer support to carers in your organisation, take a look at our Building Carer Friendly Communities Initiative.  We promote businesses that offer discounts for carers.

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