Care for the Carers has a Confidentiality Policy that protects the information given to us by Carers. It is not passed on to another organisation without consent and is stored securely.
There are, however, exceptions to this practice, where we have a duty to protect a carer or the person they care for who may be vulnerable. Our Policy states that information may be shared with other organisations and professionals when:
- A duty to protect individuals or the wider public interest outweighs the views and wishes of the carer or the person they care for.
- There are any concerns relating to suspected abuse of a child or vulnerable adult
- There is an assessed risk to staff that should be noted to Care for the Carers or other agencies.
Should the rare occasion arise where we are required to make a report to another agency we will do so without judging the circumstances or individuals concerned and with the aim of protecting and supporting them.
We will keep records in a secure place for 5 years from our last contact with adult carers, and 6 years from our last contact with young carers, and thereafter any personal information we hold will be destroyed.
We make brief factual notes for our electronic case records so that we have a record of the information that carers have given us, information that we have provided them with and services that we have referred them to.
We ask for consent from carers to record their information on our secure database, and this consent is recorded on their electronic case record.