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About Care for the Carers

Care for the Carers is an independent charity and the Carers Centre for East Sussex. We have been supporting and representing unpaid carers in East Sussex since 1989.

Our team of staff and volunteers can provide free practical and emotional advice – face to face, by telephone, or online. We can put you in touch with other carers, and help you navigate the range of services available locally.  We also run support groups, training and events across the county – whether you are interested in speaking up on important issues, or having some time out to relax or meet new people.

Care for the Carers represents carers and raises awareness of caring, working with local communities, organisations and service providers to build a carer friendly East Sussex.

All our work is developed with carers, and in response to their expressed needs and reflects local and national strategy, legislation, research and best practice.

​Carers in East Sussex

The 2021 Census indicated that 51,406 people, just under 9.5% of the total population of East Sussex, were providing unpaid care in the county. Care for the Carers, in line with national carers charities, estimates this number could be significantly larger, in the region of just over 69,000. This is based on changes to carers’ questions in the Census, as well as it taking place during the pandemic.

2021 Census Data – carers in each District and Borough: 

Wealden 14,187
Lewes 9,810
Rother 9,329
Eastbourne 9,415
Hastings 8,665


There are an estimated 15,000 young carers in East Sussex.

In the financial year 2022/23, 10,134 carers in East Sussex accessed support from Care for the Carers. To find out more about our services and support delivered for carers, you can read our annual report here

National statistics *

  • In the UK, 20% of adults are carers, that’s around 10.6 million people 
  • There are an estimated 800,000 young carers in the UK**
  • Each day, 12,000 people take on a caring responsibility, that’s 4.3 million people each year.
  • 1 in 7 people in the workplace in the UK are juggling work and care.
  • 59% of carers are women and 41% are men.
  • Carers in England and Wales save the economy £162 billion per year.
  • Carer’s Allowance is the main carer’s benefit and is £76.75 for a minimum of 35 hours, the lowest benefit of its kind.

* Carers UK
** Children’s Society

With your help we can reach even more local carers. To donate click here

Vision, mission and values

Our Vision

We will work with carers until all East Sussex carers have recognition, choices, influence and access to quality support and services that they need and want.

Our Mission

We represent East Sussex carers, enable their voices to be heard and provide services in response to what they need and want.

Our Values

We believe that:

  • Carers should be recognised and valued for the important role they carry out.
  • Carers have a right to a choice, including the choice not to act in a caring role.
  • Carers have a right to a good quality of life and a life outside and beyond caring.
  • The pressures carers are under should be acknowledged and addressed.
  • Carers should be empowered and involved to influence decisions that affect their lives.
  • Carers should be able to access services appropriate to their needs without facing discrimination or prejudice.
  • In carrying out its role, Care for the Carers will follow principles of good governance, management, service provision and employment.
  • Our volunteers and staff should be valued, supported, and given opportunities for development.


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

People of all ages and backgrounds take on caring responsibilities in East Sussex. Care for the Carers wholeheartedly values diversity and we recognise that people with different backgrounds, skills, attitudes and experiences enrich the communities we serve contributing fresh ideas, valuable insights and new perceptions to the way our organisation works either as carers, staff or partners. Our aim is to create a culture that reflects this.  We are committed to challenging all forms of discrimination, regardless whether there was any intention to discriminate or not. Every possible step will be taken to ensure that individuals are treated fairly whether as staff, volunteers or carers accessing our services.

We aim to ensure our policies, governance structure, directors, staff and volunteers reflect, as far as is possible, the experience and concerns of a wide cross section of the community.  All our services and facilities are chosen with the needs of all participants in mind, and we will pro-actively provide wheelchair access, hearing loops, signers and language interpreters as necessary. We aim to adapt service provision wherever possible to address access barriers for underrepresented groups and hidden carers.

You can read our Diversity and Equal Opportunities Policy and our Equalities Action Plan.


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Care For The Carers