Free Think Carer e-learning for East Sussex Hospitals Staff​

Carer for the Carers has been funded by the NHS to deliver Carer Awareness training to hospital staff. Recognising the challenge of staff capacity and time, we have developed E-Learning to support staff doing the training at a time that works well for them.

The ‘Think Carer – Carer Awareness’ e-learning provides information to improve knowledge around the challenges faced by carers, an understanding of why a carer may not identify as such, and the importance of effective communication. The training also informs about Carers Rights, the duty to involve carers in the discharge process, how we can support carers and information around signposting and making a referral.

We have staff working to support carers in the Eastbourne District General Hospital and The Conquest. We can provide resources, deliver a presentation to your team and also support your team to get Carer Friendly recognition.

E-learning details

Audience: Hospital Staff, especially those involved with discharge.

Application: Ideal for induction of new staff and ongoing professional development.

Access: Free. Go to

Duration: Approximately 50 minutes.

Certificate: On completion you can download a certificate (email address required).



“The training is easy to navigate and informative without being overloaded as there was good signposting to further resources. It was definitely relevant to my role” 

Discharge Coordinator (Transfer of Care Team)



Useful resources for professionals

For use in the hospital setting, you can download our posters or leaflet here

This includes a Sussex-wide carers poster translated into 13 languages

Care For The Carers