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Grants for carers

As the Carers Centre for East Sussex, Care for the Carers is able to access and administer a selection of grants specific to different carers’ needs, urgency of support required, and eligibility criteria. Please contact our Carers Hub to find out how we may be able to help.

Grants for respite

The Healthcare Appointment Respite Grant (HARG) is available to pay for respite services for carers who have no care provision in place or pay for care themselves.

Funding can be applied for to meet the costs of respite for healthcare appointments such as counselling, physiotherapy or GP appointments, training or courses that help in their caring role such as dementia training or moving and handling, and pre-employment activities such as job interviews. Guidance notes for applying for a Health Appointment Respite Grant 

Carers should contact Care for the Carers for information or to request the funding.


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