Young Carers Action Day – 16th March 2022

by | Apr 19, 2022 | Carer News

Young Carers Action Day took place on the 16th March, with the theme of Taking Action on Isolation, calling for more respite breaks for young carers and young adult carers. The day also raises awareness of young carers and young adult carers (aged up to 25 years old), who look after someone who could not do without their help.

A new survey, released by the Carers Trust on the day, has found that there has been a steep rise in caring hours for young carers and young adult carers with more than half (53%) saying the amount of time they spend caring per week had increased in the past year, and over a third of young carers and young adult carers saying their caring role resulted in them feeling worried, lonely or stressed.

As part of the day locally, there was a special screening event of a new film produced by local young carers called “Bursting the Bubble”, sharing their experiences of caring.

Local young carers and young adult carers have struggled with feeling isolated, and have benefited from the respite that Care for the Carers clubs provide:

“I personally found it quite nerve wracking at first because it was new people and I don’t really have a social life. But I was able to find that social life I was looking for and I love going to this group – it is a key part of my life.”
Charley, a Young Carer

“What people don’t understand is, that for us, for people that are caring, [this group] means a hell of a lot, on an emotional level. This break is for us a holiday, two hours, that’s it, but we can’t afford to go to Spain or anything for a decent holiday, so to us this is a holiday – it’s the greatest two hours.”
Jordan, a Young Adult Carer

The new film gives young carers the opportunity to share how caring has impacted them and what support they need.

Care for the Carers Chief Executive, Jennifer Twist says: “I’m really delighted that we’ve had the opportunity to support young carers to produce this film. Most young carers want to keep supporting the person they care for, but it can also be a very worrying and isolating experience. Caring often has a lasting impact on young peoples’ long term outcomes, in particular their health, wellbeing and education.

We want to ensure that our local community recognises and supports young carers, so they know that they are not left to care alone.”

If you are a young carer or young adult carer, or know someone who is and would like to know more about the support we provide, you can find out more by emailing, or phoning us on 01323 738390.

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