Keeping safe from coronavirus – a job for East Sussex together

by | Jul 28, 2020 | Carer News

A message from Darrell Gale, Director of Public Health for East Sussex

It’s my job to try and ensure as few of us as possible in East Sussex get infected with Covid-19 – but I need your help. The good news is that, at the moment, East Sussex has low rates of the virus compared to some other parts of England. But of course the virus is still there in our communities.

If there were a local outbreak, I or other public health leaders might ask you to avoid certain places or even to stay at home, as the situation is controlled.
We’d let you know about this very swiftly, for example on local television, radio and online. You can also sign up for email updates which we’d send if anything new happens.

Of course, I hope this will never be necessary and we can all work together to avoid it. Above all, please:

• Keep 2 metres apart from other people wherever you can

• regularly wash your hands

• wear a facemask in shops and other enclosed public places

• if you feel at all unwell (a new persistent cough, a change in smell or taste, or a raised temperature) immediately book a test and stay at home for at least 10 days. Book a test online or call 119 if you have trouble using the internet.

• If you are asked to self-isolate by the NHS test and trace team, please do.

On the East Sussex County Council website you’ll find latest details about the number of cases where you live, our plan for how we’d handle any outbreak in the county and lots of practical help and support. Our communities have already done amazing work to support each other through these tough times. We can keep the virus at bay in East Sussex if we continue working together.

Find out further public heath information in East Sussex here.


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