Take part in our Christmas raffle

by | Nov 7, 2024 | Carer News, Fundraising

As the festive season fast approaches we are delighted to launch our Christmas Raffle 2024, with the top prizes of two hampers filled with goodies and two fabulous runner up prizes, to kick off your Christmas celebrations.

We are raising money to help us provide vital services to unpaid carers across East Sussex.

Draw date: Wednesday 11th December at Lewes Football Club

Superb prizes have been donated by local companies!

Tickets are just £1 each (available in books of 5) and we have four fantastic prizes:

  • A HUGE festive food & drink hamper
    Including a case of beer from Beak brewery, items from Seasons and Waitrose, a voucher for Gail’s Bakery, and a voucher for breakfast for two at The Patch
    (currently worth at least £150 – more prizes coming in daily!)
  • A pamper & wellbeing hamper
    Toiletries and cosmetics from Aromatherapy Associates and Inika, home fragrance items, mindfulness gifts, a 1 hour Floatation experience from the Unity Centre, a voucher for two for a film at Depot Lewes
    (currently worth at least £100 – more prizes coming in daily!)
  • A trip to a match at Lewes Football Club for 6 people (worth £78)
  • A Crockpot slow cooker and cookery book

How to buy tickets

We can accept payments by card on our website here

Please follow these instructions:

1) On the ONE-OFF (yellow) tab complete the payment amount (set as £10 but this amount can be changed)
2) Click DONATE NOW and fill in the contact details
3) In the COMMENT box please write: “Raffle tickets” (if you already have paper tickets to pay for please write the stub numbers and then post them to us).
4) Fill in the payment card and billing address details
5) Please do not complete the Gift Aid details, leave the box unticked (we cannot reclaim Gift Aid for raffle tickets)
6) Complete the rest of the form and click ‘Donate Now’ at the bottom

We can also accept payments via iPhone Apple Pay (using the same instructions as above).
You can return cash and ticket stubs either by handing them directly to Care for the Carers staff, volunteers and support workers, or you can bring them to one of our offices.

You can also post tickets stubs to us (after making a card payment) at:
Care for the Carers, Highlight House, 8 St. Leonards Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 3UH
but please do not enclose cash or cheques and allow enough time for them to arrive by 9th December.

If you are struggling to work out how to buy raffle tickets or to make a payment, we can also process a card payment over the phone between November 5th and December 9th on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 9.30am and 4.30pm. Please telephone 01323 738390 Ext: 413 or Mobile: 07458 064314
We can complete ticket stubs on your behalf and ensure entry into the raffle.

Please return your ticket stubs before the draw by Monday 9th December, ready for the draw on Wednesday 11th December.

For more information about how to buy tickets and how you can help us to sell tickets please email samanthar@cftc.org.uk


Support for carers

We are here for all carers in East Sussex, offering them support and advice, as well as a chance to have a break from their caring role. Last year almost 11,000 carers received support from our services, including direct support, groups, specialist counselling and our activities programme.

With your support we can continue to be there for carers, to ensure no one is left to care alone.

The raffle draw is taking place on 11th December 2024 at Lewes Football Club

See raffle terms and conditions.



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