Oliver Davis, aged 15, from Eastbourne, is a young carer making a big difference.

Oliver won a BBC Make a Difference Award for Surrey and Sussex in October 2024, for his role as a young carer.  

Josh Babarinde MP talks with young carer Oliver in the i360 in BrightonHe then went on to meet Josh Babarinde MP for Eastbourne, as part of a group of carers who had the opportunity to meet with the MP during the Liberal Democrat party conference, in the i360 in Brighton.




Since then his story has been featured in The Big Issue. Read the article here: “What I wish people knew about kids like me”

“I would like more people to realise that young carers aren’t just children who do a few jobs around the house. Young carers are a huge group of unnoticed and underappreciated young people who all bear the weight of their caring roles, and I think that they do deserve recognition, more support, more appreciation and most importantly a voice.”

Since he was just 8 years old, Oliver has cared for his mum Wendy, who lives with significant cardiac issues and the long term effects of a stroke. “Oliver saved my life at just 8 years old when I collapsed in the night. I went on to have open heart surgery and Oliver has been caring for me ever since.  Life changed again 3 years ago when I had a stroke. This caused hemiplegia on my right side, so my right hand and foot still don’t work correctly, and I don’t have feeling in them. I get stroke fatigue and Oliver has stepped up and helped me more day to day since then.   

“What amazes me about him is that he doesn’t just help me with daily practical tasks, he motivates me daily to help me with my physio and challenges me to push myself to improve my physical and mental health. And he never complains about being a young carer.” 

Oliver says, “I enjoy making somebody else’s life better other than my own. It’s not something that I can change, so I just take it day by day, see what happens and take it from there. I think it’s very important to make a difference, not only to yourself but in others. I’m really honoured to have been nominated and it feels great to have won this award.” 

Since 2021, Oliver has been supported by the Young Carers Service at Care for the Carers. The Young Carers Service supports young carers, aged 5 to 17 years, living, attending school or caring for someone in East Sussex. It aims to support young carers before they reach crisis point and to help their physical and mental wellbeing, with fun activities, regular groups and outings. 

Oliver says, of Care for the Carers and Carers Trust, two of the charities he supports, “The charities I work with have made me feel proud to be a young carer and have helped me understand my role.  They really see and understand how hard caring can be, especially the responsibility and effect it can have on your mental health some days.  It helps knowing I’m not alone and they help me to improve the lives for other young carers by inviting me to meetings and by listening to me.” 

Since winning the award, Oliver was invited to attend the first meeting of the reformed All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Young Carers and Young Adult Carers on 30th October 2024.  He joined other young and young adult carers who shared their experiences at the meeting on topics such as balancing caring and education, support for their families, and the join-up between health and social care services. Read more on the Carers Trust website

Sarah Pickard, Head of Services at Care for the Carers said, “We are all so proud of Oliver.  He is an amazing young carer and is also passionate about the identification and recognition of young carers, being involved on a national and local level as a voice for young carers. It is so important that young carers are recognised for what they do, so we are delighted that he won the BBC Make a Difference Award. Well done Oliver (and all young carers) for the difference you make to others’ lives!” 

If you are a young carer or young adult carer or know someone who is and would like to know more about the support that Care for the Carers provides, you can find out more by emailing info@cftc.org.uk, or phoning 01323 738390. 


Care For The Carers