The focus for this year’s World Mental Health Day on 10th October 2024 is mental health in the workplace. There are an estimated 2.5 million working carers in the UK, and of course it’s important for everyone to look after their mental health.

If you are a working carer, you are most likely having to juggle work with your caring responsibilities.  As with any paid job, what happens at work can greatly affect your life outside of work, and this can be very impactful for anyone who cares for someone. On the flipside of this, your caring role can greatly impact your ability to ‘perform’ at your best when at work, due to stress, tiredness, anxiety…..

The difficulties of juggling work and care has led to around 600 people a day having to give up work to provide unpaid care to family members or friends (Carers UK Research). This is often due to a lack of flexibility and support available in the workplace.

Here are some things to consider that may help:

Be aware of your rights at work

You have rights at work, both statutory rights and contractual rights, that can help you of are in caring role. For example, the right to request flexible working, the right to Carers Leave, and the right to time off in emergencies.  Find out about your rights at work in our factsheet ‘Caring and work’

There is useful guidance for speaking to your employer on the Carers UK website

Make a plan

Create a contingency plan to ensure the person you care for will receive the necessary support if you’re unavailable. The Carers Card enables you to set up a CRESS (Carers Respite Emergency Support Service) plan with East Sussex County Council. This includes contact details for up to three people who could provide short-term support for the person you care for in an emergency.

Find out more about the Carers Card

Take regular time out

This may feel difficult, but taking even 5 or 10 minutes for yourself, without guilt, can help you to take care of yourself. Everyone is different – perhaps some exercise, cooking, a walk around the garden, reading a book, doing a puzzle. Anything that helps you to stop and breathe. Try and set aside some time on a regular basis, and add it to your calendar, or as reminder on your phone – it could be very easy to forget to add this to your mental ‘to-do’ list.

Talk to us about your caring role and find out about the support available on 01323 738390 or by email

If you are an employer

Please take a look at how you can support carers at work, and help to build a ‘carer friendly community’


If you care for someone with a mental health illness please call us on 01323 738390.
Find out where you can go for help in a mental health crisis:

Mental health crisis support Careline Summer 2024

Care For The Carers