Can you share your experience of being an unpaid carer?

by | Aug 14, 2018 | Carer News

14 August 2018

During the past year, Care for the Carers has been working on a project tocapture the stories of individual unpaid carers, through creative writing workshops across East Sussex.

Would you like to share YOUR story?

We’re pleased to announce we’re continuing the Carers’ Words, Carers’ Lives project later this year, having received Heritage Lottery funding to do so. For this we’re looking for more carers to come forward to share their stories of caring. We will be recording an additional collection of short films of carers’ stories to help raise awareness of the 65,000 unpaid carers in the county.

If you think you might like to take part and highlight some of the issues you face in your caring role, please email Amy Hope or call 01323 738390 and Amy can explain all.

About the Carers’ Words, Carers’ Lives project

Carers’ Words, Carers’ Lives features the experiences of a range of carers in the region who have developed their creative voices alongside our Writer in Residence, respected poet and creative arts facilitator, Evlynn Sharp.

So far, we’ve created a selection of short films, postcards and a poetry book focused on sharing the carers’ experiences.

Charlotte, a young adult carer who supports her mum with cancer shares her story, as does Janice, who supports her disabled adult son, and Jason, a working carer who supported his dad.

We are so grateful to everyone who has taken the time to share their stories so far.

Get involved in the project – email Amy

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