Carers’ Words, Carers’ Lives

by | Mar 17, 2018 | Carers' Stories

Care for the Carers has produced a poetry anthology of carers’ writing, Carers’ Words, Carers’ Lives,as partof its creative writing project led byourWriter in Residence, Evlynn Sharp.

The poems featured in theanthology have been written by carers from across East Sussex, and the book forms part of the charity’s Writer in Residence creative writing project, which has beenmade possible thanks to a legacy donation.

Throughout the project, unpaid carers across the generations share their experiences, reflections and everyday realities.


front cover of the creative writ

Get your free creative writing workbook

Care for the Carers has produced a Creative writing workbook, which provides a practical guide to writing and reflection. It can be used as a resource for individual carers and other organisations and groups that would like to try creative writing.

Find out more about the project, in which carers helped produce the workbook and 12 short films to accompany it.

The workbook contains samples of carers writing, and exercises for people of any ability to join in with. It’s available for other carers centres and groups across the UK, andisfree to access.

Download the Creative Writing Workbook

If you would like a printed copy, please email

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