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When I’m Gone toolkit for future care planning

12 February 2018

National disability charity, Sense, is campaigning for better long-term support for disabled people and their families. As part of the campaign, it has this week released the When I’m Gone report,which reveals that 3 in 4 (75%) families caring for a loved one with complex needs have no long-term plan in place for when they are no longer able to provide support.

Alongside the report, Sense has created a toolkit: ‘Decisions to make: Steps to take’ aimed at helping disabled people and their families make decisions about future care and support.

Download the report and toolkit from the Sense website.

It is estimated that there are 1.7 million disabled adults being cared for by family or friends in England and Wales. Of the 990 carers surveyed as part of the report,9 out of 10 (95%) family carers say they have little to no trust in local authorities to provide adequate support to their loved one.

Only 1 in 3 local authorities know how many disabled adults are being cared for by family and friends at home, with only 1 in 4 councils able to support carers to make contingency plans for future care options, says the report.

Sense is calling on central government to adequately resource local authorities to provide better support for disabled people and their families, now and in the future.

Help make changes

We reported earlier this month that East Sussex County Council has agreed to cut £422,000 from adult social care funding, following demands from central government to make savings in local council spending.

Care for the Carers is holding a trio of consultation meetings later this month and in early March and we invite carers from across East Sussex to attend and speak out about the impact of funding cuts to adult social care initiatives and support in the county.

The meetings will take place across East Sussex. Sign up via the following links:

  • HASTINGS– Thursday 22nd February 10.30am – 12.30pm
    The Bridge Community Centre, 361 Priory Road, Hastings, TN34 3NW
  • EASTBOURNE– Wednesday 28th February 2.00pm – 4.00pm
    All Saints Church Hall, 21a Grange Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN21 4HE
  • PEACEHAVEN– Tuesday 6th March 2.00pm – 4.00pm
    The Anzac Hall, Meridian Centre, Peacehaven, BN10 8BB

About the Sense report

The report is gathered from a survey of 990 carers, conducted by YouGov, on behalf of Sense, and it also includes the findings of 120 online survey responses and 40 in-depth interviews with disabled people and their families.

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