Become a member

Membership is open to individual carers, groups, organisations and individuals who are interested in caring issues or wish to support East Sussex carers. Many of our members are, or have been, carers themselves, which supports Care for the Carers to always prioritise carers’ interests and to speak with the authority on behalf of all the carers in the area.

If you are interested in issues affecting carers, you may want to consider joining as a member of Care for the Carers. Please get in touch for an informal chat and to find out more.

  • As a member, you are able to have your say on how Care for the Carers operates by voting at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and at member events through the year.
  • You can receive a free quarterly copy of CareLine magazine as well as a copy of the Annual Review.
  • Membership is free, the only financial commitment being that were Care for the Carers to ever go into liquidation, each individual member or group would contribute £1 towards any outstanding debts.
  • Your details will be held on our secure database and we will only use them to send you the magazine, e-Newsletter, information about meetings and other items of interest, as well as to compile statistical data. Under Company law, you are entitled to inspect the list of members.

To find out more, call us on 01323 738390 or email

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Care For The Carers