The death of someone close to us can be one of the hardest things we ever have to go through, and everyone copes in different ways. There is no wrong or right way to grieve. In this article we look at some of the things that might be helpful to you, if you or someone close are grieving.

During Grief Awareness week we are promoting the resources and support available to carers who have lost someone special to them.

If the person you have lost is the person you have been caring for, you can still access support from us for the next two years – this includes all our groups, activities and direct support. Care for Carers is still here for you, if and when you need us.

Talking to someone about how you’re feeling, or just talking about the person you have lost, can be helpful to some people.

We now partner with an organisation called GriefChat to offer free online bereavement counselling, available here. GriefChat provides emotional support, access to trained bereavement counsellors and referrals into other specialist bereavement services. It is available Monday-Friday, 9am – 9pm (except Bank Holidays).

The local hospices and other organisations provide counselling services and groups, for any carers who are grieving. More information and contact details can be found in our After Care factsheet here.

Some people find that remembering the person they have lost and celebrating their life, can support with the bereavement process. Setting up an online tribute page can be one way to do this; through these special and personal tribute pages, you are able to share stories, videos, photos, add virtual gifts and fundraise if you choose to.  It can be a lovely place for family and friends to remember someone special, and to visit whenever they wish. You can set up a tribute page for free, via our website or contact Amy on, tel. 01323 738390.

We have also created an online dedication page for anyone to leave a note to someone special they have lost, you can access it here.

Finally remember to look after yourself; bereavement can leave you feeling exhausted and it is important to see to your needs during this difficult time.

If you have recently lost the person you care for, and would like to talk to someone or know more about the support available please do contact us on 01323 738390 or email

Care For The Carers