Why is getting a break so important to carers? Caring can impact every area of a person’s life, with our Annual Carers Survey revealing that locally 85% of carers feel alone and isolated in their caring role, and 97% of carers feel stressed. Our Activities Programme enables carers to have a break from their caring role and may be the only chance they get to have some time to themselves.

Since 2017 we have been working in partnership with The 3H Foundation, who have generously funded an incredible 240 activity places for carers. These have included 44 spa days, 3 afternoon teas, and 1 set of afternoon tea vouchers and gift boxes during the pandemic.

The 3H Foundation says of the partnership “Here at The 3H Foundation, a small charity based in Kent, we are very conscious of the relentless challenges that unpaid caring responsibilities can bring. Our longstanding relationship with Care for the Carers connects us with those people who are most in need and enables us to provide them with some much- needed respite.We offer carers a spa-day retreat at the Ashdown Park Hotel – a calm, peaceful and luxurious setting – allowing them some space and time to relax and refresh, before returning to their caring role. We are touched when we receive feedback from participants and to learn of the difference that these respite breaks provide.”

This feedback has demonstrated how and why these activities are so valuable to carers:

‘doing something pleasurable just for me and meeting other carers left me revitalised and recharged’
‘…just sitting and relaxing and feeling calm…’
‘It was lovely having time to myself, delicious food and being waited on!’
‘…words are not really adequate for how we have felt today, wonderful would be an understatement.’
‘Thank you so very much for treating me to a much needed Spa day. I was treated like a queen and enjoyed every second. Returned home with some more energy and big smile on my face!!!’

Care for the Carers CEO, Jennifer Twist, says “We are incredibly grateful to The 3H Foundation, and their support over a number of years. We are really proud of this partnership, and the difference it has made to carers lives. Without them, hundreds of carers would not have received the break they so desperately needed.”

The Activities Programme is entirely funded by donations, and we need to raise a minimum of £25,000 each year to continue to deliver it, with each free place costing between £10-£25 (depending on the activity). If, like us, you believe that carers deserve a break from their caring role, please consider donating to our activities campaign, which can be found here.

If you are a Business or Trust who would like to work in partnership with us on the Activities Programme, then please get in touch with Amy on amyh@cftc.org.uk


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