National Citizens Service volunteers raise funds for young adult carers

by | Aug 9, 2017 | Carer News

photo of two national citizens advice volunteersVolunteers participating in the National Citizens Service (NCS) – a UK Government voluntary personal and social development programme for 15 to 17 year olds– have been raising funds to help support young adult carers in East Sussex.

The teenagers have chosen to support Care for the Carers and its young adult carers as part of the four-week programme, which includes two weeks planning and fundraising on behalf of a local organisation.

Lead NCS Mentor Jude Bennetts told Care for the Carers: “This month-long scheme is about developing young people and their sense of community. They lead it all themselves and this is really about them getting involved and supporting their local community.”

As well as fundraising on behalf of the charity, the young volunteers have also been out and about in Eastbourne town centre raising awareness of caring and the work ofcharity.

One volunteer, 16-year-old Bryony, said: “I really like helping charities and more young people should do charity work.We decided to support Care for the Carers because a few of us are caring for our parents, so it’s personal to us and we understand what it is like.“We also want to raise awareness because not all carers are older, some are younger carers and people don’t always realise that.”

Sixteen-year-old Evelyn added:“I really enjoy raising money for charities and I have supported other charities before. I can identify with young adult carers because I have a brother who has Autism and for my while my mum was quite unwell for a while.”

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