Discussing Anxiety during Mental Health Awareness Week
A guest article by Richard Pettit.
Richard is the Carer Support Worker for our Mental Health Project. As part of Mental Health Awareness Week he talks about Anxiety, and where you can go for support.
This week (15th-21st May 2023) is Mental Health Awareness Week, and the theme this year is Anxiety.
Anxiety is an emotion that many of us feel occasionally. Symptoms of anxiety may include a pounding heartbeat, chest pain, headaches, muscle tension, feeling dizzy, feeling hot, sweating, shaking, and struggling to breathe. Someone who is experiencing anxiety may feel worried, tense, tearful and be unable to concentrate or sleep.
However, anxiety can escalate into anxiety attacks or panic attacks, where the person feels faint, sick, experiences tingling sensations, and feels like they are losing control or having a heart attack.
Some people develop an anxiety disorder, which is when the anxiety they experience is so intense and so regular that it has a significant impact on their lives and those around them. Examples of anxiety disorders include Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (OCD), Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Separation Anxiety and various Phobias.
If you experience anxiety or anxiety attacks, or have an anxiety disorder, there is lots of information and support for you. See below for a list of resources and organisations you could contact.
If you look after someone who experiences anxiety, you could register with us for free information, support and services. Call 01323 738390, text 07860 077300 or email info@cftc.org.uk, and we will give you a call back. If the person you care for experiences severe anxiety or has an anxiety disorder, please ask us about our Mental Health Project.
Anxiety, fear and panic – NHS. Information about anxiety and how to get support
Better Health: Every Mind Matters – NHS. Expert advice and practical tips to help you tackle anxiety, low mood, stress, and trouble sleeping. Includes free personalised Mind Plan and self-help CBT technique. You can also sign up for anxiety-easing emails
7 Tips for Managing Anxiety and Worry. A video by Dr Alice Liddell on the Health in Mind website. You can also self-refer to Health in Mind for their courses and therapy.
ANXIETY: Understanding and Coping with Anxiety – Free online course by Sussex Recovery College. Next course starts on 1st June.
East Sussex Mental Health Directory by East Sussex County Council (ESCC). Lots of useful information and links for people with mental health problems and their carers.
Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 – Mental Health UK. Useful information, videos, ‘Just’ Anxiety campaign, and links.
Anxiety UK. National charity for people affected by anxiety, stress, and anxiety-based depression. Provides online support groups and webinars:
Anxiety and panic attacks – Mind. Includes tips for helping yourself, and guidance for friends and family.
Anxiety disorders – Rethink Mental Illness. Symptoms, treatments and ways to manage the condition.
Shout Sussex. Text the word SUSSEX to 85258 for free 24/7 text messaging support if you are experiencing anxiety and need to talk to someone.
Sussex Mental Healthline. Free 24/7 telephone service offering listening support, advice, information and signposting to anyone experiencing anxiety or any other mental health problem. Also available to relatives, friends and carers. Call NHS 111 and select option 2 or dial 0800 0309 500
Hub of Hope. Search for what’s available locally to help you tackle anxiety.
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