Carers Conference

News: The Annual Carers Voices Event 2024 – Celebrating Carers Week will take place on Tuesday 11th March at the Kings Centre in Eastbourne.

More information and booking will be available soon.

Care for the Carers holds an Annual Carers Voices Conference which is free to attend for unpaid carers. Focusing on hearing Carers Voices, the conference aims are to:

  • keep carers informed and share information
  • bring carers together
  • listen to and amplify carers voices

The conference features a theme and includes workshops and speakers on a variety of useful and relevant topics of interest to carers. The event provides an opportunity for carers to meet each other, discuss their views and experiences and put questions and feedback forward to local and national decision makers. The face to face event offers networking with a range of organisations, as well as enjoying conversations, activities and a free lunch.

We also host focus groups and surveys for carers throughout the year, as and when needed. Examples from 2022 and 2023 include discussion groups and surveys on the impact of cost of living crisis and the new Adult Social Care strategy.


Annual Carers Voices Report

The feedback shared by carers at the conference is used to inform Care for the Carers’ strategic work and forms a big part of our new Annual Carers Voices Report. Read the 2022 report here.

Focus Groups and Surveys

We also host online and face to face focus groups and put out surveys for carers throughout the year, as and when needed. Examples from 2022 and 2023 include discussions on the impact of cost of living crisis and carers’ thoughts on the new Adult Social Care strategy.

To stay informed about future events, please sign up to our e-newsletter.


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Care For The Carers