
Counselling for adult carers

Care for the Carers offers free counselling to support carers to cope with the emotional impact of their caring role, through its Time to Talk counselling service.

Carers are offered 12 individual weekly counselling sessions, which take place at the same time each week. The current waiting time for counselling is approximately three months, although this may vary according to a carer’s availability.

Care for the Carers counsellors are volunteers, mostly in training at local colleges, or qualified, who receive regular clinical supervision. The Time to Talk counselling service is an Accredited Service with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), and adheres fully to its Ethical Framework.

About the counselling referral

When a carer is referred for counselling, an initial counselling assessment is made by our counselling coordinator over the phone, usually within one month of referral. Following assessment, the carer is added to the waiting list for the relevant counselling sessions and contacted when a counselling slot becomes available.

BACP Accreditation

Care for the Carers’ Time to Talk counselling service for adult carers is officially accredited by BACP, and is one of only a handful of services accredited in East Sussex.

Visit BACP website

Service accreditation is a recognised quality standard for organisations providing counselling and psychotherapy services. As a BACP Accredited Service, we have successfully demonstrated that we offer an accountable, ethical, professional and responsive service to clients and professionals. See a full list of accredited services nationwide

How to find a therapist

BACP has information about ‘How to find a therapist’, which you may find useful if you would like to explore other counselling options. Please note that these services would be arranged privately and most would charge a fee.

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Care For The Carers