Creative Writing Workbook: Carers Words, Carers Lives
Care for the Carers is proud to publish the Creative Writing workbook for carers.
The workbook shares our experiences of delivering creative writing sessions, provides practical creative writing exercises for individuals or in groups, and contains creative writing from carers who took part in our sessions.
Find out more about the project.
Download the workbook for free here, or order a hard copy by emailing info@cftc.org.ukor call 01323 738390.
The workbook is available to all for free thanks to the generous support of our funders; the National Lottery Heritage Fund, ExPat and Eastbourne Borough Council.
How you can help
The overall ‘Carers Words, Carers’ Lives’ project to capture and explore creative writing with carers was 100% funded by voluntary donations. We would like to continue to deliver workshops for carers. If you would like to support us to do this, you can donate here, or see other ways to donate.
Supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund,ExPat, and Eastbourne Borough Council.