What is Carers Rights Day?
Carers Rights Day is on Thursday 23rd November 2023. Carers Rights Day is a national campaign that brings organisations together to help unpaid carers know their rights and find out how to get the support they are entitled to.
What are your rights as a carer?
Whether you are a new carer or have been caring for someone for a while, it is important that you understand your rights and are able to access the support that is available to you as soon as you need it. Many people are taking on more caring responsibilities for their relatives and friends who are disabled, ill or older and who need support.
Read our information about your rights as a carer here. Read the Carers Rights FAQs below.
Get involved and spread the word
You can help to raise awareness and reach more carers by getting involved.
- Share this Carers Rights Day webpage (www.cftc.org.uk/crd23)
- Share your story! If you do this on social media you can add the hashtags #carersrightsday #EastSussex to reach lots of people locally.
- Display one of our Carers Rights Day posters:
I’m supporting Carers Rights Day 2023 PDF A4
I’m supporting Carers Rights Day 2023 PDF A3
We’re supporting Carers Rights Day 2023 PDF A4
We’re supporting Carers Rights Day 2023 PDF A3
Remember to take a photo with the poster and share it on your social media!
- Download a social media post for sharing
Facebook ‘I’m supporting Carers Rights Day’ (.png)
Facebook ‘We’re supporting Carers Rights Day’ (.png)
Instagram ‘I’m supporting Carers Rights Day’ (.png)
Instagram ‘We’re supporting Carers Rights Day’ (.png)
What’s happening on Carers Rights Day?
Care for the Carers are hosting an online webinar for carers about financial support available. The webinar will be facilitated by HARC Welfare Benefits Advice Centre.
The workshop will include:
Join us on Thursday 23rd November from 11am to 12.30pm. The webinar will take place on Zoom.
Book your place here!
Carers Rights FAQs
What is a carers assessment?
The assessment will look at the care you provide and how this affects your life. It will consider the things you want to achieve in your own day-to-day life, such as work, training, social activities and wellbeing. It must also consider other important issues including whether you are able or willing to carry on caring, and it will inform you about what services and support are available to you.
Carers can complete an online assessment form or contact Adult Social Care direct. We can support you if you would like help with completing the assessment form.
I am a working carer. Do I have rights?
As an unpaid carer you have a right to request flexible working, time off in emergencies and parental leave. The Employment Rights Act 1996 gives all employees the right to take a ‘reasonable’ amount of time off work in order to deal with an emergency involving a dependant. It is at the discretion of the employer, whether or not the time off is paid or unpaid. If you are an employee with 26 weeks continuous employment at the time you make an application, you have the right to request flexible working. You also have the right not to be discriminated against or dismissed because you have made the request. To find out more about working and caring take a look at our fact sheet here.
I'm a young carer under 18 years old. Can I get assessed?
Young Carers who are under 18 years of age are entitled to a ‘young carers’ needs assessment’ to decide what kind of help they and the family might need. The assessment must decide whether it is appropriate for the young person to care for someone else, and this includes taking into account whether they want to be a carer. Consideration must be given to education, training, leisure opportunities and the young person’s views about their future.
If you under 16 or looking for support for young carers, you can contact East Sussex Young Carers/IMAGO, which supports Young Carers aged 5-18 who are responsible for caring for a family member with a long term illness or disability, prioritising Young Carers caring for a parent with a mental health or drug and alcohol issue.Telephone:0300 777 2011 or email:info@eastsussexyoungcarers.org.
I am looking after someone who is disabled. What are my rights?
If you are looking after someone who is elderly or disabled, the law will protect you from direct discrimination or harassment because of your caring responsibilities. This is because you are counted as being ‘associated’ with someone who is protected by the law because of their age or disability.
As a carer, you cannot be discriminated against on the basis of your association with a disabled person. An example is when, as a carer, you are refused entry to a venue because you are with someone who is disabled. Find out more information about protection from discrimination and your rights here.
What financial help is available for carers?
For further information about the Care Act, and for useful fact sheets regarding Carers Rights and benefits see the Carers UK website.
Will my GP know that I am a carer?
Your GP may not necessarily be aware that you are a carer looking after someone. You have the right to ask your GP to recognise you as a carer on your patient record. This means you could benefit from a free flu jab and other health and wellbeing options. Your medical practice may also offer flexibility with appointment times for yourself and/or the person you care for to accommodate your caring situation, and agree to share information about the condition of the person you care for (with their consent).
If you have not been identified by your local GP as a carer, check their website to see if they have a simple form you can fill out, or give them a call to find out more.
Can I get a flu jab as a carer?
As a carer, you’re entitled to a free flu jab each year if you receive a Carer’s Allowance, or are the main carer for an older or disabled person who may be at risk if you fall ill. Tell your GP or pharmacist that you are a carer and ask your GP to be put on their carers register so that you will be contacted about annual flu jabs. Find out further information here: www.nhs.uk/flu
Can I get a COVID-19 vaccination as a carer?
A Covid-19 booster vaccine is being offered this Autumn to people aged 65 and over who are a main carer for someone at high risk from COVID-19. More information is here. It’s more important than ever to get the winter vaccines this Autumn, as both flu and COVID-19 viruses have the potential to cause serious illness and hospitalisation. Find out more on the NHS website here.
An NHS video explaining winter vaccines can be viewed here.
What if the person I care for is coming out of hospital?
When the person you care for is coming out of hospital, you have a right to be consulted on the hospital discharge process. The hospital must identify you as their carer and your views should be considered wherever possible. More information about coming out of hospital, discharge procedures and assessments is available from Carers UK.
How can Care for the Carers can help me understand my rights?
We are here to help all carers in East Sussex. If you would like to understand and know more about your rights as a carer with guidance through the health and social care system, or help to find out any other information that can support you in your caring role, please contact us.
What happens if I move to a different area?
How can I make the best choice of care for the person I care for?
You can have your voice heard and taken into consideration by Adult Social Care when deciding how best to meet the needs of the person you care for. Having the right information at the right time can make a huge difference. Care for the Carers can suggest what to consider for gathering together the right information in advance, for when you might need it, as well as how to access timely information. East Sussex County Council’s information booklet ‘Do you look after someone?’ describes the help available through its commissioned services if you look after an adult in an unpaid caring role.Care for the Carers can also signpost you and make a referral to various organisations that can support you as an unpaid carer.
Please contact us if you would like to talk things through, or would like support.
Carers rights useful resources
- Care Act information on GOV.UK
- Carers UK information about ‘Looking after someone’
- Do you look after someone fact sheet from East Sussex County Council and NHS
- Turn2Us benefits calculator. Calculates entitlement to means-tested benefits and carers allowance.
- Sign up to our monthly e-newsletter full of carer information, news and opportunities to have your say
- Useful carer information and organisations on our website
- Luke Clements information about Carers and the law
Support our work
With an estimated 69,000 carers and an additional 34,000 new carers in East Sussex as a result of the pandemic, Care for the Carers needs your support now more than ever to ensure that no one is left to care alone. You can help us by donating here this Carers Rights Day. If you would like to get involved with fundraising on the day, please contact Amy by emailing amyh@cftc.org.uk to find out more.