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Annual Carers Survey 2023

Please help improve services for carers in East Sussex by telling us what is important to you, your experience as a carer, what is needed and how you feel about what Care for the Carers does.

We’d love to hear your views on our work, the support you have received from us and services you would like us to offer. Your feedback is valuable and will help us to make sure carers can access the right support when they need it.

The survey contributes to how we capture carers’ voices in a planned and focused way throughout the year (including the annual carers’ voices event and focus groups) and informs the Annual Carers’ Voices report. It gives us the information and authority to continue representing carers’ views to decision makers.

Please complete the survey by 25th June 2023.

Click the button below to fill it in online, or if you would like a printed copy with a freepost envelope, please e-mail info@cftc.org.uk  or call us on 01323 738390.

As a token of thanks, all surveys completed by carers will have the option to be entered into a prize draw.  See full prize draw Terms and Conditions here. Thank you for taking part.

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

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