Local partners

Care for the Carers works with partner organisations across the county to provide services and support to unpaid carers in East Sussex.


The Alzheimer’s Society

The Alzheimer’s Society’s East Sussex Carers Information and Support Programme (CrISP) aims to improve the skills and understanding of those caring for a person with dementia, by providing support and up-to-date, relevant information in a group environment. The programme provides opportunities for people to support and learn from each other in a group led by trained staff and volunteers.

Telephone: 01273 726266
Email: brighton@alzheimers.org.uk
Website: www.alzheimers.org.uk


Association of Carers

The Association of Carers supports unpaid Carers in East Sussex to continue in their caring role by providing free, high quality, and volunteer-led services that encourage independence and reduce isolation. They support carers to use their own computer/tablet/digital device, offer phone support, counselling and support carers to access residential respite. They also provide a residential support service where a volunteer helps a carer through the process of looking for a suitable residential home for the person they care for, as well as visiting the cared for person in residential respite if the carer is going away.

Telephone: 01424 773687
Email: info@associationofcarers.org.uk
Website: https://associationofcarers.org.uk


British Red Cross

The British Red Cross provides short-term and crisis intervention. The charity promotes carers’ health and wellbeing by offering companionship, conversation and practical support and enabling carers to take a short break by providing respite care. Trained volunteers can also support carers to attend social groups, training or seek employment through networking.

During Coronavirus they offer a Home from Hospital and Carers Crisis Response Service as well as phone support,emergency shopping and prescription collection.

Telephone: 01435 866270
Email: EScarerssupport@redcross.org.uk
Website: www.redcross.org.uk


Coastal Wellbeing

Coastal Wellbeing supports and encourages people to create positive change in their lives through Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP). WRAP provides people with a framework to explore what they can do to maintain their wellbeing. WRAP uses action planning for the times when life gets challenging, providing options and choices to help maintain wellbeing, including crisis planning.

Telephone: 07507 734370 (Molly) or 07598 323254 (Lucy)
Email: molly@coastalwellbeing.co.uk or lucy@coastalwellbeing.co.uk
Website: www.coastalwellbeing.co.uk


Carers’ O’Clock – Culture Shift

Carers’ O’Clock is a monthly drop-in day for unpaid carers in East Sussex to focus on their own wellbeing with artist-led creative activity, conversation and a freshly cooked lunch. Carers’ O’Clock is held on a Monday between 10am and 3pm at Community Wise in Eastbourne

Website: https://www.cultureshift.org.uk/carersoclock
Email: julia@cultureshift.org.uk


DISC Dementia Support – East Sussex

St Leonard’s, Bexhill, Eastbourne, Robertsbridge, Rye, Crowborough, Seaford and Uckfield

For carers of someone with dementia at any stage of the Dementia journey (diagnosed or pre-diagnosis). Local community interest company providing information, support, signposting, support groups, 1:1 support, carer courses, and professional training. Light touch dementia awareness sessions with communities. Carers information service across East Sussex.  

Professional referrals or self referrals from clients welcome via their contact form https://www.discdementiasupport.org/contact email or over the telephone. Address: Offices 10 & 11, Robsack Centre, Bodiam Drive, St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex TN38 9TW. 

Telephone: Emma Lyden 07591 250988 or Louise Smith 07591 251005
Email: admin@discdementiasupport.org.uk
Website: www.discdementiasupport.org

Diversity Resources International (DRI)

A non-profit community development centre empowering Ethnic Minorities and migrant communities, based in Sussex UK.

Telephone: 01273 311901
Email: community@driorg.com
Website: www:driorg.com

East Sussex County Council Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service (STAR)

As well as providing treatment and recovery services for people with drug or alcohol problems, STAR offers advice, information, counselling and support groups for anyone affected by someone else’s drug or alcohol use. The service operates from areas across the county including Hastings, Eastbourne and Uckfield.

Telephone: 0300 30 38 160 (Freephone)
Email: EastSussex.Firststep@cgl.org.uk
Website: www.changegrowlive.org


East Sussex County Council – Health and Social Care Connect

East Sussex County Council Adult Social Care provides support and information to unpaid carers.

Telephone: 0345 60 80191
Email: hscc@eastsussex.gov.uk
Website: www.eastsussex.gov.uk/socialcare


East Sussex Mental Health Directory of Community Support

See at a glance a range of information provided by East Sussex County Council categorised into different mental health support needs including crisis information, Carer support services,Drug and alcohol services, Armed forces services and anoverview of mental health support in East Sussex.

Website: www.eastsussex.gov.uk/socialcare/healthadvice/mental-health/directory/help/


East Sussex Parent Carer Forum (ESPCF )

East Sussex Parent Carer Forum (ESPCF ) is the parent carer voice organisation for families with children or young people aged up to 25 with special educational needs or disabilities in East Sussex – with or without a diagnosis. Our role is to bring parents’ and carers’ voices to the table when decisions are being made about local services our families use. We are parent carer run, and work alongside organisations such as the NHS and East Sussex County Council to try and influence positive change and put families at the heart of decision-making.


Telephone: 0300 770 1367
Email: info@espcf.org.uk
Website: www.espcf.org.uk


East Sussex Young Carers/IMAGO

East Sussex Young Carers provided by IMAGO supports Young Carers aged five to eighteen who are responsible for caring for a family member with a long-term illness, disability, mental health or substance misuse issues.

Telephone: 0300 111 1110
Email: youngcarers@imago.community
Website: www.eastsussexyoungcarers.org.uk


Headway Sussex

Headway enhances the health and wellbeing of carers of people with Acquired Brain Injury. This project provides a range of services for carers of people with an acquired brain injury, including peer support and the opportunity and encouragement to invest in their own health and wellbeing.

Telephone:01825 724323
Email: info@headwaysussex.org.uk
Website: www.headwaysussex.org.uk


The Motor Neurone Disease Association

The Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA) Carers Support Project is specifically designed to provide care, support and respite care to carers who are working day and night to support care and help those living with MND. They are never “off duty” and this project will help to relieve them, albeit for a small amount of time, from their daily tasks at home.

Telephone: 01323 423781 (Sue Smallwood)
Email: branchinfo@mndaeastsussex.org.uk
Website: www.mndaeastsussex.org.uk


St. Michael’s Hospice, Hastings and Rother

Advice and support for unpaid carers of palliative patients registered with the Hospice. Palliative patients must be referred by a medical professional.

Telephone: 01424 445177
Email: info@stmichaelshospice.com
Website: www.stmichaelshospice.com


St. Peter and St. James Hospice

Offer a counselling and wellbeing service for carers of people with limiting illness. Offer phone befriending and counselling and Facebook group
support. Can offer support services for essential shopping or prescriptions depending on area.

Telephone: 01444 471598
Email: enquiries@stpjhospice.org
Website: www.stpjhospice.org  



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