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2023 Care for the Carers Annual General Meeting

2023 Care for the Carers Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Care for the Carers will be held at Care for the Carers, 2 Bell Lane, Lewes, BN7 1JU on Wednesday 22nd November 2023 from 1.30pm – 4pm.

The AGM Agenda will be as follows:

1.     Welcome and Introduction

2.     Minutes of the Previous AGM held on 16th November 2022

3.     Review of 2022-23

4.     Presentation of Accounts 2022-23

5.     Resolutions.

i. Special Resolutions
i. We have not been notified of any Special Resolutions to be passed at this meeting. We have allowed additional time for any members wishing to request another agenda item – Members must provide 21 clear days’ notice of the intention to pass a Special Resolution, and can do so by emailing governance@cftc.org.uk.

ii. Ordinary resolutions will include:
i. That the minutes of the 2022 Annual General Meeting on 16th November 2022 be adopted as a true record of the meeting.
ii. That Care for the Carers’ audited Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2023 be received and adopted.
iii. That Kreston Reeves LLP be appointed as the Charity’s Auditors for the ensuing year and that they be paid for their services a sum to be determined by the Board.
iv. That Dr. Neil Churchill, OBE be formally appointed to the Board of Trustees for a second term.

6. Caring in East Sussex in 2023, and looking forward to 2024

7. Recognition, celebration and thanks

8. Close of Meeting

Please note:  All members are entitled to vote at the AGM. You have the opportunity to vote online ahead of the AGM itself if you cannot attend. Once you have completed the booking form, using the link or button below, we will send you an email with a link that will take you to the voting website, along with information to inform your decision on this year’s resolutions.

Book your place or register to vote here.

Nominating a Proxy to vote on your behalf

As a voting Member of Care for the Carers, if you are unable to vote online you can (but do not have to) appoint someone else to vote on your behalf. You can appoint anyone attending the meeting, for example a fellow Member, or alternatively Neil Churchill OBE, Care for the Carers’ Chair, or Jennifer Twist, our Chief Executive. This needs to be submitted in writing, so please complete this proxy form if you would like to nominate a Proxy to vote on your behalf.  Please return the form to governance@cftc.org.uk, or alternatively return by post to Care for the Carers at the address given on the form by 8th November 2023.

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