Social Media Marketing opportunity
Care for the Carers is seeking to work with a local social media, communications, and advertising expert. We wish to commission a business partner to design and deliver social media adverts from August 2024 to end of March 2025.
Background information:
We wish to deepen our reach into local carer populations via social media, in particular working age carers, young adult carers, ethnically diverse carers, male carers, and LGBTQ+ carers. We want to utilise our strong local presence, through local carers centres in Uckfield and Hastings and new offices in Lewes and reach out to carers communities in those localities.
We also wish to utilise the power of social media advertising to help people who are in caring roles for family or friends to identify themselves as carers, which can translate into them reaching out for support and accessing our services.
Finally, we want to capture the impact this campaign has made and quantify the success rate.
What we are looking for:
A provider experienced in developing and delivering social media advertising; including content creation and copy writing. Ideally, we would like to work with a provider who has a track record of working with charities and not for profits or equivalent.
A provider who can manage the process, including planning in advance of the advertisement campaign to ensure our involvement is well mapped out, helping you to work as independently as possible and achieving minimal impact on our Communications Officer.
We would expect you to create advert content, based on broader materials provided by us, source photos, or chose preferred ones from our own limited photo bank.
We would want you to be clear on what and when you will need from us and what you will be responsible for providing, including a clearly specified advert approval process.
We are seeking a provider who has a high level of experience in purchasing social media advertising to offer high return on our investment.
Budget: £5,000
How to express your interest:
If you are interested in working with us to deliver this social media advertising, please respond with a proposal by Thursday 29th August at 5pm. Proposals should be a maximum of two pages of A4.
Please ensure you address the areas below:
- Your previous experience of developing and delivering social media advertising.
- Your experience of targeted on-line advertising.
- Your experience of working with charities or social enterprises or equivalent.
- How you will run this project (please refer to ‘What we are looking for section’ for details) including clear timelines, and outline of when and what will be expected.
- How you will evaluate the impact of any advertising campaign.
- How much of the budget will be spent on the content development and project management and how much on the advertising cost (giving examples of advert types and cost)
Please send your Expression of Interest to: Miriam Wilkinson, Head of Communities, Care for the Carers,
If you would like to discuss this opportunity or have any questions, please contact Miriam.