Photography workshops for East Sussex carers
Care for the Carers are inviting carers in East Sussex to take part in photography workshops in August and September 2021. Beginner, intermediate and experienced photographers are all welcome.
The workshops are for adult carers and young adult carers, aged 18 to 25 years, and will give you a fantastic opportunity to use photography and share your vision of what it means for you to be a carer.
The workshops will run over three weeks. In the first session, we’ll talk about your role as a carer and how you can convey caring experiences and the day-to-day life of caring for someone. Further sessions will cover some basic technical skills, such as light, composition and editing. At the end of the workshops, we will work together to select some of your photos to be exhibited at the Conquest Hospital in 2022.
You will also be going out and about to learn how to take photos that honestly record and reflect your role as a carer. You will be working with local photographer, John Cole, who is a photographer and teacher for over forty years. Find out more about his work here.
What you will need
- A digital camera or a good iPhone. If you don’t have either, we can supply one for you to use
- Most importantly, your enthusiasm to tell your story of being a carer.
Dates and time
Adult Carers workshop: 25th August, 1st September, and 8th September. Venue to be confirmed.
Young Adult Carers workshop: 4th September, 11th September and 18th September at The White Rock Hotel in Hastings.
Each workshop will run from 1pm to 4pm
To find out more or book a place on the workshop, please contact Hannah. Contact details are here.
Care for the Carers are working with 18 Hours Events and Education to bring these workshops to carers.