Carer-friendly hospital ward checklist

Do you regularly visit a hospital ward with the person you care for? Or do you work within a hospital setting?

This checklist provides prompts for positive changes that wards can make to become more carer-friendly.


1. Display information in a dedicated space

  • A notice board where you can display information and a table for Care for the Carers leaflets and resources. Let everyone know about them.
  • A notice for carers positioned by the patients’ bedside.

2. Identify yourself

  • Put your name or picture on a poster informing people of your carer-friendly role within the hospital.
  • Wear a Carers Ambassador badge – Care for the Carers can provide these.

3. Spread the word

  • Share the message that you are a Carer Friendly ward with as many people as possible, as often as you can.
  • Display Carer Friendly logos on email footers and your website, and Carer Friendly stickers in public-facing locations.
  • Evidence your good work with carers to support Care Quality Commission Inspections.

4. Make a difference

  • Encourage carers to contact Care for the Carers for information and support. We can provide information, advice, and emotional support – particularly important if their caring role is changing as a result of the patient’s care needs.
  • Follow up on conversations with those you have spoken to about their caring role,to try to ensure they have received support.
  • Include carers in conversations about the patients’ care whenever you can, and involve them in discharge planning so they understand the support that the patient will need when they go home.
  • Support campaigns – for example, Carers Week and Carers Rights Day. Generally help raise awareness and get involved with Carer for the Carers social media.

5. Think Carer

  • Ensure your team collectively Think Carer. On admission do staff ask patients whether they have a carer?
  • Look for appropriate opportunities to have a conversation with those whom you think might be in a caring role, including staff.
  • Book Carer Awareness Training for all the ward staff. We provide free training that can be customised for your organisation.
  • Sign up to receive Care for the Carers’ e-newsletter and share news with staff.

Read our article about Communicating with carers in pharmacies and hospital wards

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